Comments Back: Moderation is Key


moderation-is-key.american-apparel-unisex-fitted-tee.lemon.w760h760.jpgOK. The comments are coming back — but they will be moderated.
I’ve noticed that some folks who comment think that there is this enormous operation behind The Washington Note that can screen people, block some, and let others through — and generally ascribe to a single individual’s world view in giving a thumbs up or thumbs down to others. This is not the case.
I have always been clear to some of the most active commenters here — including Nadine, POA, WigWag, Paul Norheim, questions, Carroll, and others — that I enjoy the debate and have learned something from every one of them. But the ease with which some regularly fell into attacks of innuendo and incredibly misinformed assaults on others can’t be tolerated here. I get email from some of you incredibly certain that Nadine is an agent paid to harrass folks on the blog, or that POA is some sort of well, I won’t go there. The fact is that Nadine is a very decent, smart person with passionate views. I know who she is and know who POA and many others are. But that doesn’t excuse for a moment the level of animosity and rage you vent at each other — and occasionally me — in completely intolerable and inexcusable doses.
I’ve tried over the last many years to cultivate civil debate here, dissent from my own views, and some very high profile commenters have indeed developed here — some constructive, and some apparently unable to curb tendencies to attack others on any number of fronts. I won’t have it and simply won’t debate the rules with folks.
Everyone is welcome back. Comments appearing here will be permitted through entirely based on their constructive contribution to discussion — or their ability to provide resources for others — or their lightheartedness or passion or anger constructively written.
This is my blog. My rules. Civility is required. Agreement is not.
So, we are going to try to get a regime in place that moderates all comments as they go up. I imagine that this process is going to be spotty at the beginning and ask your patience. We will try to improve as things move along.
Thanks much for understanding. I like the T-Shirt noted above. If you want to buy one, here is the link.
Best regards to all.
— Steve Clemons


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