New Middle East Blog by Daniel Levy



Daniel Levy is one of a handful of people who really could move the Palestinians and Israelis (and Americans, and Europeans, and Russians, and UN bureaucrats, and Saudis, Syrians, and Jordanians) towards a negotiated comprehensive deal establishing a Palestinian state that doesn’t undermine Israel’s national security.

Daily Smart Stuff at <em></em>



(Richard Vague and blogger Juan Cole speak at New America Foundation/American Strategy Program dinner for Zbigniew Brzezinski) I have become a fan of a daily email and blog site,, that is published by businessman Richard Vague.

Cruise with John Bolton, July 29 – August 5



There are only 10 cabins left — and I am soooo tempted to go on this Alaska National Review cruise. I’d be civil, of course, but would hold my ground on my views and otherwise enjoy the scenery and the celebrity of being a token independent progressive on the ship.

Wolfowitz Does <em>Charlie Rose</em> Tonight



Tonight on Charlie Rose will appear outgoing World Bank President and former Bush administration Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz. Should be a fascinating show. As a note to Charlie, some of the points of advice I have given publicly to incoming World Bank President Bob Zoellick may make interesting points for discussion with Wolfowitz….

Zoellick Ascends at World Bank



In just about 90 minutes, President Bush is going to speak to the “international development agenda” of his administration and announce his support for Robert Zoellick as President of the World Bank.

Lest We Forget. . .Scooter Libby (and Fred Thompson!)



Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald has noted that convicted former Cheney chief-of-staff Scooter Libby has shown no remorse for his role in obstructing the investigation of the leak of Valerie Plame Wilson’s covert responsibilities for the CIA and has asked for a 30 to 37 month jail sentence for Libby.

Angela Merkel Should Press Ahead Without U.S. at G8 Summit



While I was camping over the weekend I missed the release by Greenpeace of a leaked U.S. memo to Germany regarding the G8 text on climate change. In past years, when I’ve returned from meetings of the U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) or the Conference of Parties (COP) to the U.N.