Matt Yglesias Deserves Better



This is a hilarious video interview with super-blogger Matthew Yglesias who just didn’t get the treatment he deserves at YearlyKos. Then I did a video interview talking about my encounter with Peter Beinart over what we’d tell the next President about U.S. foreign policy if we had five minutes.

Foreign Service Pessimism vs. Brookings Optimism



Over the last day and a half, I’ve been connecting with folks in the military, in intelligence, from the Department of State on the American side of the equation, as well as chatting with some well-placed Brits and even Iraqi government officials, and a good passle of journalists in order to kick the tires of…

Sameer Lalwani Joining <em>TWN</em> Blogging Team



We are expanding our team. Sameer Lalwani will be joining us as a regular commentator at the The Washington Note. Sameer is a policy analyst with the New America Foundation’s American Strategy Program concentrating on the geopolitics of the Middle East and South Asia.