Beijing’s 2008 Ch(O)ke-lympics



(photo credit: James Fallows) I just received a short note from Atlantic Monthly national correspondent James Fallows who is living (and coughing a lot because of the ridiculously high levels of pollution) in China this year. He shared these two blog posts — first and second — that I want to pass on.

What Hillary Said. . .and Should Say



Several good friends close to Senator Clinton were surprised by my post suggesting a “Nixon-Lite Strategy” as a guiding direction for some of her foreign policy thinking. To be fair, when I wrote a critique of Senator Obama’s first major foreign policy address, I got similar nudges from his team.

Hillary Clinton Needs to be “Nixon-Lite” not “Bush-Lite”



Senator Clinton‘s press office sent this note out today: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — July 26, 2007 Clinton/CNN Interview to Air this Afternoon Senator Clinton taped an interview with CNN’s John King this afternoon where she was asked to react to Barack Obama referring to her as “Bush-Cheney Lite.

Crossing Lines: Colin Powell and My Own DC Snobbery



Last night, I got a phone call from New York Sun writer Eli Lake, a thoughtful and serious writer who is more hawkish than I am and closely associated with neoconservatives (though I don’t consider him to be one — he’s too empirical for that), about Colin Powell speaking at a huge motivational conference in…

<em>Guest Post by Sameer Lalwani</em>: Former Peace Process Negotiators Daniel Levy and Rob Malley Skeptical of Bush Administration’s Israel-Palestine Plan



Sameer Lalwani is a policy analyst in the New America Foundation’s American Strategy Program Last night, the New America Foundation co-hosted a dinner with The American Prospect around their June “Middle East issue” that featured a number of important pieces by my American Strategy Program colleagues.