Bolton Supported the Law of the Sea Before He Opposed It
It turns out that John Bolton’s recent lobbying against the Law of the Sea represents a major flip-flop.
It turns out that John Bolton’s recent lobbying against the Law of the Sea represents a major flip-flop.
There are many including this writer who have been documenting the internal decision-making divisions inside President Bush’s White House.
Some of the leading opponents of the Law of the Sea, ironically, feel very strongly that we should trust the judgments of military personnel on military matters. Jim Inhofe: “I don’t think it’s too much to expect for our leaders in Washington to keep an open mind and get the facts before drawing their conclusions….
Joe Wilson is off in Nevada campaigning for Hillary Clinton. Joe and I think similarly on many national security issues — and we have like-minded disdain for what Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush, John Bolton and others have done to America’s global position.
I’m not in a place to judge the veracity of Dan Rather’s reporting on Bush’s National Guard service, but as usual, Sidney Blumenthal has done an extraordinary job sequencing the bits and pieces of the Rather CBS story and suggests that Rather’s $70 million lawsuit against CBS will animate some much needed truth-telling about Bush’s…
A lot of folks out there think I’m a sucker for good email notes — or very effective, personalized fundraising appeals like Hillary Clinton’s invitation to all of us (including me) to possibly have lunch with her, after she picked up the groceries and with her husband dropping by to say hello.
Juan Cole has picked up stories from Reuters and Harpers on a transcript of President Bush’s conversation with Spanish President Aznar that confirms that he had no intention of seriously pursuing UN Security Council support and was exceedingly optimistic over the outcomes of Iraq.
Note the correction — the event will be from 3:00pm-4:30pm If you are near Dupont Circle on Thursday afternoon, you should drop by the New America Foundation to hear Council on Foreign Relations Vice President and Director of Studies, Dr. Gary Samore, in an event hosted by Dr.
(US Defense Secretary Robert Gates with the Egyptian Military, soon to be deploying troops to Darfur) Arab states have taken numerous hits in the media — some unwarranted, some deserved — for not taking a stronger role in condemning the violence in Darfur and arm-twisting the Sudanese government to allow for peacekeepers or peace talks….
The first question former President Clinton posed Afghan President Hamid Karzai was one of investment in Afghanistan. While the two touted the foreign investment starting to enter the country, Clinton suggested that everyone could contribute to average Afghans trying to make a living through — an online microfinance network like lendingtree.