John Bellinger’s Hat is White — David Addington’s is Soulless Black



In the internal White House battles over the Geneva conventions, enemy combatant policies, extraordinary rendition, and torture — which have been viciously waged between various Bush administration officials against other colleagues in the same White House — there are a few heroes who fought the “darkness at noon” solutions advocated by Vice President Cheney’s team….

Bolton Lobbying Against Law of the Sea



I’ve just learned that John Bolton is meeting with conservative senators, urging them to oppose the Law of the Sea. A Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on the convention is scheduled for Thursday.

The Dog(s) That Didn’t Bark



I’m hoping Sameer will be able to confirm or deny this, but my guess is that President Bush’s speech to the UN General Assembly this morning was met by a chorus of yawns.

Bollinger Gets an A



Every time I think Columbia University could not possibly be the subject of more controversy relating to Middle Eastern politics, another controversy emerges.

Discussing Iran with Sam Seder



. . .in ten minutes at 10:30 pm on Mike Malloy’s show. Sam Seder is standing in and hosting tonight for Mike Malloy — and we are going to discuss my recent article on Iran.