Coffee in Westwood



For those TWN readers in the area — and I just met two — I will be at the Starbucks in Westwood, California for the next few hours. It’s a great, sunny day here. Jodie Foster’s The Brave One is playing at one of Westwood’s posh old line movie houses next door.

TWN hits the UN for Climate Change Session



Today in New York UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon has convened a historic special session with more than 70 heads of state in attendance to solely discuss and focus on the issue of perhaps the largest global challenge and collective action problem we face today — the issue of climate change.

Mitt Romney’s Silence on Blackwater



Just caught this. Politico‘s Kenneth Vogel suggests that Mitt Romney’s silence about the Blackwater killings in Iraq may have something to do with the fact that: The top counterterrorism and national security adviser to Romney’s presidential campaign is Cofer Black, vice chairman of Blackwater USA.

Hillary Clinton’s Health Care Diva



(Laurie Rubiner, Legislative Director in the Office of Senator Hillary Clinton) Hillary’s foreign policy team has some of the mega-stars in the national security business. She has Madeleine Albright, Richard Holbrooke, Sandy Berger, Wesley Clark, William Perry, and a good number of their acolytes — but her counselors are about as top-heavy as George W….

So Much for the Pretense of Iraqi Sovereignty



Iraq throws out Blackwater. America keeps employing them and has Blackwater stay. Someone in the White House press corps be sure to ask Bush about that “Rule of Law” thing. (I know. . .Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, Haditha, illegal wiretaps. . .). I’m in Denver now — flying to Los Angeles.