A Breakthrough in the Netroots (aka “The Grunge Blogosphere”)



Matt Stoller, one of the most significant emerging leaders of the new political left in this country, has just written a fascinating essay that I think is a real breakthrough in his thinking and hopefully in the strategic thinking of the netroots crowd in general. Stoller’s piece is smart Trotsky.

A Cool Evening with Frank Rich and George Soros



Yesterday, the New America Foundation hosted and I chaired a meeting with Washington Post Diplomatic Correspondent Glenn Kessler on his new book, The Confidante: Condoleezza Rice and Creation of the Bush Legacy. One of the questions asked about the state of Rice’s efforts in “transformational diplomacy.

Clinton’s Statement on Kyl-Lieberman



Tonight, I received Hillary Clinton‘s formal statement explaining her vote on the Kyl-Lieberman Iran Resolution — and her assertion that this did not amount to Congressional authorization for actions against Iran. Clinton stated: “Earlier today, I voted for a non-binding resolution that designates the Iranian Revolution Guard as a terrorist organization.

Beyond Rangoon: Stories Beneath the Surface of Myanmar Reporting



As all eyes turn to Myanmar with brutal crackdowns by the military junta (including reports of a Japanese reporter murdered and school children being fired upon), international condemnations, speculation of a “saffron revolution,” and China caught between a policy of noninterference and brutal crackdown on its borders that could turn into a public relations disaster,…