<em>Guest Post by Mindy Kotler</em>: Failing to Comfort



(Los Desatres de la Guerra by Francisco Goya , 1810) Mindy L. Kotler is director of Asia Policy Point, a nonprofit research center providing objective information and scholarship on Northeast Asia to the American policy community. Steve Clemons is right that comparing the U.S.

The New Internationalists?



(Rev. Richard Cizik, Vice President for Governmental Affairs at the National Evangelical Association) I didn’t notice until just now, but apparently Ban-Ki Moon was invited to speak at a dinner meeting hosted by the National Evangelical Association. Rev. Rich Cizik extended the invitation.

Gophers, Elephants and Mountain Goats



I think many people read this blog not for my sometimes verbose commentary but also for the scathing criticism that some of my most devout readers direct at me (as well as the TWN NoteTakers Scott Paul and Sameer Lalwani). They are well-meaning folks, most of them.

Ollie North and the Bloated Bureaucracy



Mark Goldberg and I had a funny conversation this morning about Ollie North’s rant on the Law of the Sea over at Human Events. I won’t be responding to every ridiculous opposing argument (that would take up far too much time), just the ones that strike the funny bone with special force.

Why I Want Giuliani to Win the Republican Nomination



Back and forth political tides in America are part of the once globally envied system of checks and balances in our democracy (though there are days I really don’t feel like we are anywhere near the democratic standards we used to boast in our pre-9/11 history).

Reading Now. . .



A couple of cool things have come our way today. First, I just discovered Ben Lando’s Iraq Oil Report which has at the top of the blog a story about Hunt Oil coordinating with the US State Department before signing an oil exploration and development agreement with the Kurdistan Regional Government.

The Al Gore Win



Armand Hammer always wanted a Nobel Peace Prize — and so did Japan shipbuilding and auto racing tycoon Ryoichi Sasakawa. They tried to buy it and brow beat for it.

John Edwards Denies



John Edwards has made a statement denying rumors of an extramarital liaison with any other woman — though not mentioning Rielle Hunter. I’m going to turn off my cynical gene for a moment and fully accept John Edwards statement at face value. We all probably should.