The Edwards Drama: A Statement from Rielle Hunter



MyDD’s Jerome Armstrong has secured a statement from Rielle Hunter, the woman with whom John Edwards has been accused of having an affair. From MyDD’s site: “The innuendoes and lies that have appeared on the internet and in the National Enquirer concerning John Edwards are not true, completely unfounded and ridiculous.

Pentagon vs. Blackwater Standards: How Low Can We Go?



Pam Spaulding has an excellent piece referencing some of the Blackwater questions I posted below. And a TWN reader who also happens to be one of America’s most distinguished former Ambassadors raised questions about the applicability of international law to the Blackwater case: Excellent questions.

A Challenge to Realism



The lesson that some people are taking away from the Iraq boondoggle is that values-driven foreign policy should be rejected. Since prominent neoconservatives plotted a course according to values and not interests, they say, we need to get back to pursuing interests.

Trouble for John Edwards? Perhaps It’s Time to Read Hamilton



This is either true — or it’s a lie. If part of a dirty tricks operation, it’s odd that John Edwards would be the target. I like and respect Huffington Post‘s Sam Stein who wrote the first thoughtful inquiry into what might be going on. Others have rushed to judgment, perhaps wrongly.

Syria’s Place at the Table



(Syrian Ambassador to the US Imad Moustapha and President George W. Bush) New York University professor Alon Ben-Meir has written an eloquent and compelling essay on why Syria’s role in any Israel-Palestine negotiation is central, not peripheral, to a serious Middle East peace negotiation.