Eating at Nora’s



Julia Watson has a terrific food and restaurant blog eat Washington that I have been checking up on frequently. I’m not intimidated by much, but I do find that I get nervous thinking about cooking — and even more rattled actually doing it, particularly when other humans are involved.

The View From Your Window



Law of the Seas Treaty advocate Caitlyn Antrim took this shot of the Air Force Memorial from her Arlington home at dawn one recent morning.

Behind the Scenes



I’ve been offline for a day or so working behind the scenes on a number of fronts that I can’t be all that specific about. For Jane Mayer fans, I’m pleased to see that her book is again at #6 on Amazon. More soon — promise.

Gates Is Not Alone



(U.S. Global Leadership Campaign Director Liz Schrayer and pollster Geoff Garin explain U.S. military leadership attitudes on U.S. national security — partial video) Bob Gates sent shockwaves through the national security community last year at Kansas State University when he dared suggest that the non-military instruments of power are under-resourced. Turns out, he’s not alone….

Indy Goes Internationalist


I don’t usually plug organizational promotions, but this is just a bit too cool to keep to myself. Hopefully candidates for office — especially Congressional candidates, who don’t have large bureaucracies or pools of advisors to educate them — will take this quiz and do well.

From Portland — A Presidential Priorities Thread



I’m in Portland, Maine, heading back through Boston tomorrow to New York on Tuesday. Between apartment hunting, work and traveling, I’ve finally had a free second to take a peek at the latest of the promising presidential transition-related initiatives, this one launched by the power players at the Connect US Fund.