Norman Lear’s Patriotism: Born Again American



Last night, through a massive crowd of people that David Brock and Media Matters for America assembled for an excellent Inaugural celebration at the Hirshhorn Museum, I thought I saw Norman Lear. And a tear came to my eye.

Power Tickets & Inaugural Festivities Update



Well, I have made it through every corner of my schedule so far. And last night, we actually added an event — a drop by at the “Late Night Finance Committee Party” of the Presidential Inauguration Committee at the DC Convention Center.

Inaugural Weekend: The TWN Game Card



I’ve been asked by quite a few readers what I’m going to do and attend this weekend. So, I’ll lay that all out here. But first let me say that there are a lot of great gatherings in DC — some really cool ones — that I was invited to that I just can’t attend….

What the Right is Saying: Tim’s Taxes



I will be regularly posting clips called “What the Right is Saying” and “What the Left is Saying” from time to time — particularly when there is a point either side is making that reasonable people could scratch their head and say, ‘hey, that makes some sense. . .’ From RedState.

Obama’s Military Blind Spot?



Barack Obama is about to become the 44th President of the United States and like most Presidents, he will begin (if he hasn’t already) to read as many profiles and biographies of great leaders as he can pile on his night table. Or Lincoln’s.

Bush’s Legacy



In considering George W. Bush’s legacy, I would suggest that Bush flamboyantly hastened America’s global decline — a decline that might have otherwise been stretched out over many decades and happened anyway. Bush sped up history and punctured America’s mystique as a superpower by showing key fundamental limits.