The Obama Administration and Mexico



Today is a big day for Mexico City. President Obama’s overnight stay is the first visit from a U.S. President since Clinton’s two-day stopover in 1997. Really; it’s been twelve years since the President of the United States has visited the capital of Mexico.

Nixon Goes to Europe


Roger Morris has an entertaining post about President Nixon’s Inaugural trip to Europe.over at the New York Times‘ 100 Days blog. Plenty of fun historical nuggets for those who like that sort of thing.

Dangerous Ambiguities



In politics, we are often told, we should not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. That’s why so much of what comes out of our policy-making process ends up as politically-driven compromise. In Washington, splitting the baby is often considered better than no baby at all.

US-Saudi National Policy Forum: Scowcroft and Turki Early Headliners



(pictured to left: New America Foundation foreign policy programs director Steve Clemons and then Saudi Ambassador to the US HRH Prince Turki Al-Faisal) On the 27th of April, less than two weeks from now, the New America Foundation and Committee for International Trade of the Saudi Chambers of Commerce will be presenting a significant national…

Guest Post by Daniel Levy: No Sphinx, but a Peace Challenge from Damascus



Daniel Levy served as the lead Israeli drafter of the Geneva Initiative and directs the New America Foundation/Middle East Task Force. Israel’s preeminent Syria expert, Moshe Ma’oz, famously dubbed that country’s former leader Hafaz al-Assad “the Sphinx of Damascus” in his political biography of that title, an inscrutable man, impossible to decipher.

Obama Makes First Move in Long Dance Ahead on US-Cuba Policy



Big announcement made today via White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs and National Security Council Latin America Director Dan Restrepo on the new parameters of America’s “Cuba Policy.” So. . .let’s get the easy part of this comment out of the way. Applause, applause, applause. . .