Dmitry Medvedev on President Obama’s Visit to Russia Next Week



Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s discussion of President Obama’s upcoming visit to Russia strikes a cooperative, friendly tone. But toward the end he quotes John F. Kennedy, who said during the Cuba Missile Crisis that “If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity.

Arabic Interview on Obama’s Middle East Options



I have the privilege of chatting with many political, economic and foreign policy journalists from around the world. I generally like almost all of them and appreciate their interest, but some stand out above the others on occasion — and Hoda Husseini of Asharq Al-Awsat was one of these.

America’s Effective Unemployment Rate at 18.7%?



Each month, I receive from Leo Hindery an update on “America’s effective unemployment rate” which includes not only the official unemployment figures but other data points showing off-the-books unemployed or underemployed people. The numbers are staggering and are aggregates of official data.

Showdown in Tegucigalpa



Recently ousted President Manuel Zelaya of Honduras has vowed to return to his country this weekend to reclaim his position as President of the Republic.

FINALLY. . .Kurt Campbell Sworn in to Deal with Asia



Center for a New American Security Co-Founder and CEO Kurt Campbell has finally been sworn in today as Barack Obama’s Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian Affairs, the position most recently held by the newly appointed US Ambassador to Iraq Christopher Hill.

Greetings Senator Franken!



Former Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman has just given short, but gracious, concession remarks issuing greetings to Minnesota’s next US Senator, Al Franken. Congratulations Al! This is a nice bit of news to get before flying off to Rome.