Soft Power UK Style
The video clip above is well worth the time — focused on thinking through what “soft power” really means in today’s world and how British and American efforts are similar and/or diverge.
The video clip above is well worth the time — focused on thinking through what “soft power” really means in today’s world and how British and American efforts are similar and/or diverge.
Last Monday – the same day that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived in Washington to meet with President Obama – ten United States senators wrote the letter below to Turkey’s Ambassador to the United States Nabi Sensoy – expressing concern about the recent deterioration of relations between Turkey and Israel.
Is it too early in the Obama Administration to start using the phrase “Obama Doctrine” or is a clear vision and accompanying strategy emerging? Between laying out his strategy for the war in Afghanistan last week and delivering a surprising oration on the Just War tradition upon receiving his Nobel Peace Prize this week, a…
This morning, I learned in Politico that the AP’s Ron Fournier, The Atlantic‘s James Fallows, the New York Times‘ Adam Nagourney, HuffPost‘s Sam Stein, and now Politico‘s Daniel Libit all are getting as much attention from, if not more, from “news hound” Daniel Lippman, an 19-year old George Washington University student who sends “us” a…
Congressman Robert Wexler (D-FL-19), who will soon leave his post to take on the presidency of the Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation has just sent this morning an important note to Congressional Members about a New America Foundation poll of Israeli public attitudes yesterday.
I love holidays — nearly all of them, but there is a clutzy side to me that sometimes reveals itself too much when I get into religious and cultural festivities that are a degree removed.
American Enterprise Institute Resident Fellow Desmond Lachman is an excellent forecaster and describer of economic trends and their likely consequences.
Oliver Lough is a research intern at the New America Foundation. In yesterday’s Wall Street Journal, Willy Lam broke a disturbing story on China’s burgeoning police state: “On December 2, senior state-security personnel met in Tianjin to fine-tune a new nationwide antisubversion network to help safeguard the Chinese Communist Party’s ruling status.
The Washington Note Publisher Steve Clemons is flying off to Portland, Oregon this evening to speak to the Portland Business Alliance tomorrow on the subject of America’s “Green Trade Deficit.” Steve will be delivering a presentation based on “Green Trade Balance,” a New America Foundation/Economic Growth Program policy paper.
A new survey commissioned by the New America Foundation and conducted this November by Gerstein Agne Strategic Communications reveals that Israeli opinions of President Obama and the peace process contrast starkly with popular reports — though Israeli support for Prime Minister Netanyahu and his security-focused policies also remains strong.