Obama on the Court in Copenhagen



President Obama demonstrated his work-the-situation prowess in Copenhagen in which he molded a meeting planned with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, who may have been trying to duck Obama, into a five way chat between the leaders of China, Brazil, India, South Africa and the United States. When Obama is on, he really is on.

The Snowy View from my Window



My friend Andrew Sullivan gave me permission long ago to let me use his “View from my Window” feature — and publish interesting photos sent in by others and post my own. This is the scene outside my front door. Cold, white, lots of it.

LIVE STREAM: Rocking Havana – Eugene Robinson and Tim Golden Talk Politics and Music with Cuban Rock Star Carlos Varela



The New America Foundation/U.S.-Cuba Policy Initiative is hosting the New America Foundation’s first every sing-along policy discussion/performance featuring Cuban singer-songwriter Carlos Varela. Carlos will be joined by New America Foundation Senior Fellow and New York Times Senior Writer Tim Golden as well as Washington Post Columnist and Associate Editor Eugene Robinson.