Congrats to Josh Marshall: TPM Wins Polk Award



Joshua Micah Marshall and his Talking Points Memo franchise have just won a prestigious Polk Award. This is a key development in recognition of blogging. The judges sited specifically Josh and his team’s work in connecting the dots in the patterned firing of US attorneys. Josh is a co-parent of The Washington Note.

McCain Wins Wisconsin



But John McCain acknowledges that he admires Governor Huckabee very much. . . I don’t buy the rumors that McCain promised Florida Governor Charlie Crist the Vice Presidential slot. If he did, Dems should rejoice. It’s not as much of a utility-maximizing move as taking Huckabee on board. But who knows. . .

Open Thread: And the View On Your Journey


Paul Squassoni took this amazing shot during his recent trip to Sydney, Australia. I just had to get it up here. I like that folks are sending pics in that move “us” one way or another. I totally stole this “view from your window” concept from Andrew Sullivan (with his blessing).

Didn’t Hamilton Say it All First? OK. . .Well what about Cicero or Shakespeare? Machiavelli?



I’m a big fan of Alexander Hamilton — though there is an article on the top of my reading pile that takes on some of us Hamilton-huggers. I was amazed by how prolific, articulate, pragmatic and sensible Hamilton was. Indeed, there is an old adage: “Washington Reigned. Hamilton Ruled. And Jefferson complained.

The Cuba Embargo Does Not Give US Leverage — It Harms American Interests



Later in the day, I plan to grade the various public statements from leading American politicians below. But one criteria I will use is whether they evince any humility at all about the fact that America’s many decades old embargo failed to alter the political path of the Cuban government.