Israel Strikes Gaza
From a CNN news alert: — Israeli aircraft launch air attacks across Gaza, causing many deaths and injuries, according to CNN journalist. Over 100 now reported killed in attack.
From a CNN news alert: — Israeli aircraft launch air attacks across Gaza, causing many deaths and injuries, according to CNN journalist. Over 100 now reported killed in attack.
(UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown receiving bust of John F. Kennedy from Caroline Kennedy) Caroline Kennedy is having a rough time convincing fellow New York-based Dems that she’s good for them.
This is a special pic of Annie pup a few years ago. I want to wish all a very safe and happy holiday, a great Christmas and a high sizzle New Year. I am off to Los Angeles now – though I’m writing this from San Francisco.
Norm Coleman loses a key decision in the tug of war over ballots in the still undecided Minnesota U.S. Senate race. Congratulations Al.
This is a guest post for The Washington Note written by Hillary Mann Leverett, a former State Department and National Security Council official who participated in numerous rounds of secret negotiations with Iran.
This is a guest post for The Washington Note by businessman and regular TWN reader Richard Vague. Vague is the founder of, author of “Terorrism: A Brief for Americans“, and publisher of On the eve of the invasion of Iraq, the price of oil was $28 per barrel.
Ben Smith at Politico and a friend at AIPAC sent me this cool video clip of “LIVNI BOY.” Remember Obama Girl? Maybe we can get them to do a scene together. . .
A friend and member of my New America Foundation/American Strategy Program Director’s Council, Richard Vague, was profiled this morning in the Philadelphia Inquirer. I will be posting today a guest post by Vague here at The Washington Note, but this morning’s profile by Joseph N. DiStefano deserved special mention.
Fantastic news this morning. It has been rumored for some time that James Steinberg, Dean of the LBJ School of Public Policy at UT Austin, would be appointed Deputy Secretary of State under Hillary Clinton.
Today, 12:15 – 1:45 pm EST, I will chairing an interesting session with WALTER RUSSELL MEAD and DANIEL LEVY that will run live on The Washington Note and also run LIVE on C-Span.