MoveOn Launches Campaign Targeting Superdelegates



MoveOn just announced that they’ll run a petition ad in USA Today with the following text: “The Democratic Party must be democratic. The superdelegates should let the voters decide between Clinton and Obama, then support the people’s choice.” I was disappointed and surprised that no one was doing anything like this.

On Syria: A Question for Barack and Hillary



George W. Bush certainly seems like he likes to strangle things. He’s been trying to strangle Cuba and Cuban-American families with tightened restrictions on family-related travel to emphasize how much every President of the United States since Eisenhower has tried (and failed) to undermine Fidel Castro’s government.

Media Alert: Australia Radio with Deborah Cameron


Every week — usually on Tuesdays (but not this week) — I chat about American politics with radio show host Deborah Cameron on 702 ABC Sydney radio. I really enjoy it and find her a very well informed, thoughtful host who digs into a lot in a short ten minutes.

Details, Details, Details — We Need More Debates



I am a Grinch when it comes to rallies. I don’t like the noise, the spinwheels, the signs, and the illusion of joy. The high flying speeches and smiles, the ritual of orchestrated applause — the happy screaming. I don’t like hype. I want detail.

Coffee House Alert: San Francisco and Tokyo



I haven’t been doing many coffee house meetings during my travels lately because my schedule has been out of control — but for those interested and in the respective corners of the world I’m going to — I can meet tomorrow (Thursday) in either San Francisco or Berkeley mid-day or early evening.