Tom Engelhardt Fillets Neocons on World War IV Fabrication



When you have time today, read this very long and very good commentary by famed editor Tom Engelhardt on Woolsey, Podhoretz & Co. on their contrivance of World War IV. I particularly like this excerpt: “World War IV” does many other useful things as well.

Turmoil in the Currency Markets: Tokyo Shows Diminishing Loyalty to the Dollar and George Bush’s Cattlemen Friends



George Soros must be getting ready for some incredible windfalls. Korea, Russia, and now Japan have discussed diversifying their foreign reserves portfolios and essentially offsetting their heavy dollar dependency with other currencies. Shockwaves.

<em>Deja Vu</em>: Bad Intel Data on Iranian Arms



According to a New York Times article out today by Douglas Jehl and Eric Schmitt, a high-level panel is going to report to President Bush that our intelligence on Iran’s arms is inadequate. This hasn’t stopped the grind towards an Iran confrontation though.

Jack Oliver & Steve Elmendorf: Odd Bedfellows Tie Up



Tom DeLay will be upset. Another liberal pol got a job in Washington — and is even co-opting a well-placed conservative. My friend Steve Elmendorf who ran Dick Gephardt’s world for more than a decade has tied up in a lobbying enterprise with Jack Oliver, “former money man for President George W.

Japan’s Imperial Problem: Are the Emperor and His Son Really Feuding Over Masako? Japan’s Crown Princess Remembered on <a href="">International Women’s Day</a>



Unless you are a Japan watcher, this post probably won’t interest you — unless you are into royals. And most Japan watchers for that matter aren’t interested in the imperial family and the goings-on within Japan’s secretive aristocracy. But I am going to write about this Tokyo soap opera anyway.