Guest Note by Flynt Leverett: China’s Persian Gulf Dilemma and Deepening Relations with Iran



This is a guest note by Flynt Leverett. Flynt directs the New America Foundation/Iran Project and is the former Senior Director of Middle East Affairs at the National Security Council. He is also publisher of the forthcoming blog, The Race For Iran.

Who Didn’t Get the Memo? Israel’s President or its D.C. Ambassador?



This is a guest “note” by Daniel Levy. Daniel Levy directs the New America Foundation/Middle East Task Force and formerly served as a senior Israeli negotiator. Levy is a principle drafter of the Geneva Israel-Palestine accords. Israel’s parliament, the Knesset, reopened today after a long break for the summer and the Jewish holidays.

Media Alert: Countdown with Keith Olbermann on the Cheney Crowd’s Frustration about Obama’s Nobel



This evening at 8:15 pm Eastern time, I’ll be in Countdown with Keith Olbermann discussing Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize and how crazy it has made some of America’s leading pugnacious nationalists, particularly Liz Cheney. Some background reading: My CNN piece on the subject. A first and second response from the reasonable opposition at Powerline….

LIVE STREAM: A Global Review of Stakeholder Nations



While putting back together the United States’ foreign policy portfolio, one of the key challenges for the Obama administration will be to engage rising powers like China, India and Brazil without offending traditional allies, including Japan. The future of the U.S.

Tipping Hat to Powerline: Recognizing My Obama Nobel Prize Arguments



I have to confess. I read Powerline and have particularly enjoyed the writing of Paul Mirengoff who is a sharp intellectual usually committed to just about everything I’m not. Powerline has just bestowed two awards on my CNN comment on Obama’s Nobel Prize.

The View from Your Room: Beach After Baghdad


This pic was sent to me by a soldier who has just returned from Iraq and Afghanistan. I’m surprised he wanted to see more sand, but given this pic from his hotel room, I understand. I occasionally run interesting pics sent in by readers. Andrew Sullivan gave me permission to copy his practice. More soon….

The Price Tag of Afghanistan Dwarfs Country’s GDP



The cost of America’s military effort in Afghanistan is $65 billion per year — and the price tag will probably go up when a new strategy is announced by President Obama. There have been many hundreds killed and thousands wounded there.