Karen Hughes Trip: Smashing Success



In an administration that prides itself on message control, that keeps potential dissenters out of policy discourse or even political events with its leaders, and punishes or rewards based on whether someone is “with them or against them,” Karen Hughes’ very public encounters with people who are angered by American behavior in the world couldn’t…

Tom DeLay: Hanging on His Own Words. . .



A loyal, anonymous reader just sent me these two important Tom DeLay quotes — directed at then President Bill Clinton during his legal scuffles. Tom DeLay (R-Texas), quoted in the Washington Post, October 9, 1998: I believe that this nation sits at a crossroads.

David Dreier Gets Goosed by Blunt



Well, it seems that too many bloggers applauded too loudly in favor of Hastert’s initial call for Dreier to succeed Tom DeLay — and now have selected House Majority Whip Roy Blunt to succeed the indicted DeLay.

Burying the Hammer! A Good Day for American Democracy



Yes. . .Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, and George W. Bush have had their starring roles in the subversion of our system of checks and balances that makes American democracy work — but they are all in the Executive Branch. Chief executives try to be monarchs; they can’t help it.

Bush’s Energy Plan: A Joke?



I can’t understand what the White House hoped to achieve with the President’s press conference today on America’s oil refinery problems in the Gulf. The President is right that we probably have too little refinery capacity fueling the U.S. market, but the “alternative fuels” strategy he is suggesting is ad hoc and isn’t serious.