Is Frist about to Do a “Trent Lott”?



Atrios pummels Senator Frist with some great material documenting Frist’s past comments about his holdings in HCA and undermining his credibility. Via Atrios, some excerpts from an ABC Report: Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn.

How Many Vatican CARDINALS are Intrinsically Disordered?



Major hypocrisy at the top of the Vatican hierarchy. . . The effort to ban gay-conceptualizers rather than gay-actualizers from the Catholic priesthood is just outright hypocritical and a violation of the rights of those who want to work in established Catholocism as a priest.

Frist Should Not be Blindly Trusted



Senator Bill Frist’s holdings in HCA, a hospital holding firm that his family helped build, has been a conflict-of-interest for him during his entire time as a Senator — but he seems to have only just realized this as he readies himself to make a run for the White House.

Penalizing the Vatican: A Serious Strategy



Earlier I suggested that the EU should find a way to block the Vatican from utilizing euros. But that just doesn’t make much sense. People want to buy those rosaries, candles and pictures of Popes — dead and alive.