Harry Reid Lobbying for President’s Supreme Court Choice
This is very strange politics. Reid seems to be on board as one of Harriet Miers’ chief advocates. Click here to see Harriet Miers and Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid.
This is very strange politics. Reid seems to be on board as one of Harriet Miers’ chief advocates. Click here to see Harriet Miers and Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid.
Now the question is whether the Dems should just declare victory and call it a day regarding the Supreme Court — or whether there should be serious, open-ended deliberations about Miers’ views and qualifications ahead.
Air America Radio’s Al Franken Show producer Ben Wikler has done a great job of documenting David Frum “moving the target” on Miers: David Frum, former White House speechwriter, has come down hard against Miers. From his blog at the National Review: Harriet Miers is a taut, nervous, anxious personality.
President Bush nominated White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the vacant Associate Justice position on the Supreme Court. Bush had this to say about Miers: This morning, I’m proud to announce that I am nominating Harriet Ellan Miers to serve as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.
For more on our recent conference, Beyond Bullets: Economic Strategies in the Fight Against Terrorism, the links are up. Check out the site.
If you folks are checking in now. . .talking to Sam Seder on Air America Radio’s Majority Report about David Dreier’s problems rising to the top — and Jeff Gedmin’s ascension as John Bolton’s Deputy at the United Nations.
TWN has just confirmed that Jeffrey Gedmin (see post below) will be named as John Bolton’s No. 2 at the United Nations and will carry the formal title of “Deputy Permanent Representative of the United States to the United Nations.
President Bush stands by those loyal to him — as he did with John Bolton, who was precisely the wrong person to send as America’s Ambassador to the U.N. Now John Bolton is reportedly gathering a new group of staffers loyal specifically to him.
Rehnquist has been succeeded. Time will tell if he helps to undo Roe v. Wade and Americans’ rights to privacy. My gut instinct suggest that he will prove to be a fairer and more decent judge than most progressives think. But that choice was what Democrats lost in the last election.
Former Lee Atwater protege and Bush I senior staffer Jim Pinkerton had these insightful words on the cost of Dreier being shoved aside by Roy Blunt: “Blunt is a standard partisan, more of a DeLay Jr.