Miers: What White House-Hungry Republican Senators Think



It’s remarkable to see how Republicans are dividing over Harriet Miers. By my count, these are the Republicans in the U.S. Senate who are considering running for President: John McCain, Bill Frist, Sam Brownback, George Allen, and Chuck Hagel. Let’s see what they have to say about Miers.

John Bolton’s Neocon Still Pending



For German speakers, this piece on Jeffrey Gedmin appeared in today’s Financial Times Deutschland — quoting The Washington Note on the rumors that Gedmin will soon find himself in John Bolton’s shop at the United Nations: Gedmin fuer neuen Posten im Gespraech Hubert Wetzel, Financial Times Deutschland, 4 October 2005 Der Direktor des Aspen Institute…

Judith Miller: The Grossest Kind of War-Profiteer



Judy Miller seems to be engaged either in some kind of perverse self-deception, or she is simply brilliant at manipulating the rest of us. As has been widely reported, she seems to have unnecessarily gone off to jail as she was protecting a source who never wanted protection. . .

Re-read Alexander Hamilton on “Advice & Consent”



Via Julian Sanchez, I was directed both to Randy Barnett’s interesting anti-Miers piece today in the Wall Street Journal and to Federalist Papers No. 76. I think Hamilton, Barnett, and Sanchez stake out a very different kind of opposition to Miers than the fundamentalist right.

Pushing the Wedge? Harriet Miers Divides Republicans



Republican heavyweights are scrambling to hold their team together after the President’s nomination of someone whom no one other than President Bush seems to want. Republican National Committee Chief Ken Mehlman finally laid out the rationale for the right as to why they should be jumping for joy at Bush’s selection.