John Bolton’s Neocon Still Pending


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For German speakers, this piece on Jeffrey Gedmin appeared in today’s Financial Times Deutschland — quoting The Washington Note on the rumors that Gedmin will soon find himself in John Bolton’s shop at the United Nations:

Gedmin fuer neuen Posten im Gespraech
Hubert Wetzel, Financial Times Deutschland, 4 October 2005

Der Direktor des Aspen Institute in Berlin, Jeff Gedmin, koennte demnaechst auf einen hochrangigen Posten an der US-Vertretung bei der Uno in New York wechseln. Der Politanalyst Steve Clemons schreibt in seinem Internetblog “The Washington Note”, Gedmin sei das Amt des Vize-Botschafters angeboten worden.
Die US-Regierung wollte dies gestern nicht bestaetigen, bestritt das Geruecht aber nicht. “Das Weisse Haus wird ziemlich bald eine Ankuendigung machen”, so ein Sprecher der US-Botschaft in New York.
Gedmin gilt wie sein kuenftiger Chef, Uno-Botschafter John Bolton, als neokonservativer Hardliner. Sie sind seit langem befreundet. Anders als Bolton ist Gedmin aber im persoenlichen Umgang freundlich und offen. In Berlin erwarb er sich den Ruf, US-“Schattenbotschafter” sein. Die Befoerderung auf den Posten des Vizebotschafters waere ungewoehnlich: Normalerweise uebernimmt ein Karrierediplomat das Amt, kein politischer Kandidat.

The only new information that is potentially significant in the above news clip is that the writer, Hubert Wetzel, called a State Department press source who would neither confirm nor deny the rumor about Gedmin. The spokesman then offered: “The White House will make an announcement about this quite soon.”
Although it has not yet been reported, TWN has heard from another news source who contacted Gedmin that he has stated that “the rumors are untrue” — in my book, a classic non-denial denial.
The potential appointment of Jeffrey Gedmin may still be in a fragile stage. I don’t know if John Bolton secured all the support needed to bring in a significant neoconservative voice into his fold. Perhaps he did, and perhaps not.
Gedmin was considered by many, according to the Financial Times Deutschland piece to be America’s “shadow Ambassador” in Germany. He is very personable and considered by many to be a genuinely nice and complex person. Those less accomodating think Jeff Gedmin has done serious damage to U.S.-German and broad transatlantic relations.
Nonetheless, this is a battle about Bolton’s judgment and about the ideological dimensions of this appointment. The fact is that Bolton is trying to hire a quite effective spear-carrier for the neoconservative movement.
Should be interesting to see what unfolds.
Update — Another link on the rumor of Jeffrey Gedmin going to the United Nations: Der Tagesspiegel.
— Steve Clemons