America Arms the World



Bill Hartung exposes America’s obsession with selling light weapons and small arms and standing out as “the only nation” to oppose even thinking about regulating small arms trade, which Hartung refers to as “weapons of mass destruction in slow motion.

Paul Krugman Headlining Economic Policy Event Monday Morning



I have been working with my colleagues on a significant economic policy event that is taking place on Monday, 30 October 2006 at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington. The schedule is here. Paul Krugman is opening the show and should be terrific. This meeting is free and open to the public, but you must RSVP….

Obama (may be) Running for (Vice) President



Senator Barack Obama has been pretty giddy about the speculation that he might run for President. He is an exciting political force and seems fresh, somewhat innoncent, inspiring. But behind the energetic spontaneity exists a cautious calculator.

<em>TWN</em> Media Watch



I will be appearing on the BBC News live at 3:00 pm EST and discussing some of the issues raised in an article, “The Genteel Revolt that is Remaking US Policy on Iraq,” by DC Bureau Chief of The Guardian Julian Borger.

Who Will be Deputy Secretary of State?



(Who will get former Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick’s job?) The real answer to this question is that R. Nicholas Burns should be. If not Burns, then the person Condi should nominate is US Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad.