Saddam Hussein Verdict



Of course, he is guilty. Hussein was always guilty, whether established by a court of peers or not. What irritates is how the trial of this strong-man has become the face of both the Bush administration’s biggest triumph and largest mistake in the war against Iraq.

Neocons Dumping Bush



Now, the perpetrators of the Iraq War, of the “axis of evil” speech, of the “Iraq will be a cake-walk” line are dumping on Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney. They are jumping ship in order to try and save themselves and opportunities for neocons to influence future governments.

Reminder to Voters: Bush’s Neocons Want to Bomb Iran



(photo credit: The Online Newshour) In the latest issue of Foreign Policy, Joshua Muravchik — a neoconservative fellow traveler — has published a remarkable article, “Operation Comeback” that combines an offering of a mea culpa for much of the neocon-generated foreign policy mess America is in and then stunning bravado with encouragement that the President…

Happy Halloween John Bolton



At first glance I thought it was Mark Twain, though some know him as Samuel Clemens. But sure enough, the Cheney button (though misspelled — not Bolton’s fault he told me) and the resume gave it away. Happy Halloween.

Paul Krugman Unvarnished and Live Monday Morning



Paul Krugman will be headlining a conference I have helped organize titled “Back to the Economy: Confronting America’s Growth Challenges” that will take place at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington from 9:30 am until 2:00 pm.

Dismantling Cheney’s Control



The next two years are going to be politically bloody and difficult ones for the nation and the world. There is a somewhat understandable, yet naive, hope that Democratic success in the coming election will somehow corner President Bush and his team into a more rational national security posture. To some degree this is true….

America Arms the World



Bill Hartung exposes America’s obsession with selling light weapons and small arms and standing out as “the only nation” to oppose even thinking about regulating small arms trade, which Hartung refers to as “weapons of mass destruction in slow motion.