Rich Lowry’s Inside Numbers



National Review editor Rich Lowry shares a “cheat sheet” from GOP insiders: Eight in the most likely gone category: PA-7, Weldon, OH-18, Ney open, IN-8, Hostettler, CO-7 Beauprez open, AZ-8, Kolbe open, NY-24, Boehlert open, PA-10, Sherwood, CT-4, Shays.

CNN BlogStock & WNYC’s Brian Lehrer Show Tonight — All Night



I’ve just arrived up at Tryst Coffee Shop in Adams Morgan/Washington, DC where some of the biggest bloggers in the business are doing a sleep-over with CNN’s blog mistresses, Jacki Schechner and Abby Tatton. I’ve dubbed this “BlogStock”, and the CNN folks seem to like the moniker.

Voting Mishap Clearinghouse



If you see shenanigans being pulled at polling stations, here’s a clearinghouse of sites on how to report what you have seen — as well as guidance on what other actions you can take to preserve your voting rights.

Khalilzad May Quit Job as US Ambassador to Iraq



US Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad is tired of being undermined by opponents in the White House and by elements of Iraq’s unstable regime end-running him to influence rivals of his in the administration. He is reportedly on the verge of quitting. Khalilzad’s abrupt departure from the diplomatic scene will worsen the mess in Iraq….

Colin Powell Gaining Acolytes As Bush Doctrine Fails



My colleague Michael Lind — author of the recently released The American Way of Strategy — has an interesting Financial Times piece on the “Powell Doctrine” outflanking the “Bush Doctrine” today and in the years ahead. I once wrote about the pre-9/11 factions in Bush administration foreign policy.

Note to Voters: Remember Tom DeLay!



America has slipped to 20th position out of 163 countries in Transparency International’s Global Corruption Index. We may not have seen him around for a while but Tom DeLay was one of the chief architects of the deepening structural corruption of American politics.

Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega: Further Evidence of America’s Global Decline



Frequently, critics of the war in Iraq restrict their tallies of the consequences to the country thus far in terms of military consequences in the Middle East — and many actually trumpet how fortunate Americans are to still have high quality, mostly secure lives in this nation despite the hellish conditions in Iraq, Gaza, Darfur,…