Kim Jong Il “Sorry”



China must have pounded Kim Jong Il in private meetings to get the kind of confession of error he was reported to have made. North Korea needs a deal — and so does the United States. The North Korea nuclear problem will require a high price to resolve, but it’s worth it.

Open Thread: Back from Tokyo



Just back to Washington after a long trip back from Tokyo. Our plane got diverted for an emergency landing to Anchorage, Alaska after a person on board was felled by a serious stroke.

Michael Lind: The American Way of Strategy



Thanks to Steve for giving me a chance to blog about (flog?) my new book The American Way of Strategy — which, if you’re interested, I’ll be discussing with Lou Dobbs this evening on “Lou Dobbs Tonight” on CNN, 6 pm EST.

Japan’s Civil Society Challenges



I have been learning a lot of behind the scenes stuff on this Japan trip. I realize that many TWN readers are not into the soap opera that is Japanese politics, but I used to be a real addict and find myself easily sucked in to the complex intrigue here. A couple of quick things….

George Soros in Japan



George Soros met me in Japan last night, and we had a fascinating dinner with Tadashi Yamamoto, President of the Japan Center for International Exchange.

Putting Hurt on the Corn?



This post is just a fun one — nothing serious. I am over in Japan right now, up at a really, really early hour from jet lag and had a humorous exchange I want to share. A Time Magazine friend of mine suggested we meet up for drinks and catch up.