Senate Sticks Head in Sand: Some Turn Over in Graves



Senate Foreign Relations Committee Joe Biden called out Mitch McConnell, John McCain, Joe Lieberman and all those stopping debate and a vote on a pending Iraq War resolution. Biden said to them, “Iraq dominates our national life. It is on the minds of tens of millions of Americans.

Fact Sheets on the President’s Budget Proposals



Here is a roster of information and “FY 2008 Budget Fact sheets” that the Executive Branch has assembled to support the President’s Annual Budget Request: Link to all Fact Sheets please note that all of the following hyperlinks are to pdf files Budget Overview Budget Discipline Management The Economy Defense War on Terror Homeland Security…

Turning Syria: Lessons from Libya



Hisham Matar has an interesting piece in today’s New York Times, “Seeing What We Want to See in Qaddafi.” The writer suggests that Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi continues to rule Libya as a tyrant, disappearing his critics, and cultivating a climate of fear — particularly among those who might engage in public dissent.

Al Gore’s Shadow at DNC Annual Winter Meeting



There’s quite a lot of fascinating action over at the Washington Hilton. The smart state party chairs are working bloggers row — as well as some of the candidates. Dennis Kucinich‘s people look like they are having the most fun.