Zbigniew Brzezinski Calls Iraq War a Historic, Strategic and Moral Calamity & Says Stop the Trappings of Colonial Tutelage



TWN has secured testimony being offered by former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski tomorrow morning in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at 9:30 a.m. Brzezinski will be paired with former National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft who will testify about their views on the strategic context of America’s actions in Iraq.

Another Fine Mess: Lebanon on the Brink



I found that this piece in the Economist captures well the fragility of Lebanon’s current political order. I recommend reading it. Here’s a section I found compelling: Such conundrums point up the peculiar make-up and intractability of the opposing forces.

Ari Fleishcher Blows Hole in Libby’s Plame Case Defense



Ari Fleischer was told “days earlier” than anyone previously knew by Cheney Chief of Staff Scooter Libby that Valerie Plame was not only Joe Wilson’s wife but that she worked in the CIA’s counter-proliferation division. Fleisher also indicated that Libby said this info was on “the QT.

Former Senator Lincoln Chafee on Bush Speech



Former Senator Lincoln Chafee (R-RI) has settled in at his new fellowship perch at Brown University’s Watson Institute — and is speaking out in the press about America’s foreign policy mess nearly as much as former Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton.