John Bolton on The Daily Show Tonight



One of Steve’s and my partners in crime on the Bolton campaign has informed us that former Ambassador Bolton will be on The Daily Show tonight at 11. Should be entertaining. Interesting to note: Bolton and Jon Stewart have an interesting point of agreement: they both think France doesn’t matter.

Remember when Bush Said Rumsfeld was Staying?!



Alberto Gonzales has finally received that dreaded call of firm presidential support from the White House: Alberto, it’s me, George — yeah the President. Just wanted to tell you that I know it’s hot out there, but I’m fully behind you. You are on the team, man.

Fred Thompson MUST Be Running



Pajamas Media has an “exclusive” movie review of the film, 300, by former Tennessee Senator and presidential wannabe (maybe) Fred Thompson. Thompson writes: The comic book movie 300 about the Spartans and the Persians in 480 AD is still breaking box-office records. Now it seems the rulers of modern-day Persia, Iran, are not amused.

Israel’s Antics: An S&M Ambassdor and Citrus Trees in Cuba



I think that Israel Prime Minister Olmert’s resistance to talk to the new Palestinian unity government ‘may’ be a charade disguising quite a bit of informal, off the books negotiations as everyone I speak to from the Middle East sees a deal on Palestine in the works — in about 18 months.

Understanding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s Game Plan



Yosri Fouda, an important Al Jazeera journalist who interviewed both Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Ramzi Binalshibh, has written a very interesting note today in The Sunday Times of London on what may be driving KSM’s extraordinary admissions during secret hearings at Guantanamo Bay.

Russian Media Freedom Going, Going, Gone



What exactly did President Bush see when he looked into President Putin’s eyes? I recall he got “a sense of his soul.” After my post last week about Kommersant’s reaction to the death of Russian journalist Ivan Safronov, a couple of my Russian friends e-mailed me to tell me they were concerned for my safety….