Looking In From the Outside…Again



Mark Lagon is one of the people in the International Organizations bureau at State who can play ball with high-level Bush appointees and still make the case for a strong U.S.-U.N. relationship.

Cap & Trade: No Time to Lose



There are a thousand reasons Nancy Pelosi might have decided not to push for a greenhouse gas cap & trade scheme by July 4, her timeline for global warming legislation. None of those reasons are compelling. I’ll be doing some fairly in-depth writing on climate change and energy policy on this site.

Questions for Zal



I’ll be watching closely on Thursday morning as Zalmay Khalilzad runs the Senate Foreign Relations Committee gauntlet. Acting Perm. Rep. Alex Wolff has been doing, by all accounts, a fantastic job at the U.S.

Las Vegas, DC, and Havana



I’ve been in Senator Harry Reid‘s territory for the last day and a half — enjoying watching the unlikely co-mingling of a massive number of NASCAR fans mixing with tweed and tie-wearing academics from the Western Political Science Association.

Scott Paul on Hagel: What Could Have Been



I’m a big Chuck Hagel fan. His roll call votes rarely turn out the way I’d like since he’s been a party loyalist for most of his career, but he’s been an important voice for comity in the political process and multilateralism in foreign policy for a long time.