Media Matters Scores Against Glenn Beck


glennbeck.jpgMedia Matters CEO David Brock just released a statement on news that Fox and Glenn Beck would begin a new consulting relationship focused on other forms of content with Beck suspending in the not too distant future his daily Fox News show.
Brock stated “After losing more than 300 advertisers and seeing more than 1,000,000 viewers abandon his show the only surprise is that it took Fox News months to reach this decision.”
Brock added, “”Fox News now has to choose: will it eliminate all violent rhetoric from the network – not just during the 5PM hour? And will the network make a commitment to end its role as a political operation masquerading as a news station?”
It took me a while to generate enough personal interest in this debate to watch Glenn Beck and see how warped and destructive his program and posture on national issues were. Beck, Roger Aisles, Rupert Murdoch, and others of the Fox management team attempted to institutionalize a violence-promoting, race-baiting, nativist, anti-gay, anti-Muslim, anti-Hispanic, anti-anything White sensibility in mainstream cable news. It’s been outrageous that Beck’s show survived so long.
Major kudos to David Brock and the Media Matters team — as well as to many sensible corporations and individuals who learned to say “no” to this disturbed and disturbing political misanthrope.
— Steve Clemons


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