Blog Comments


I have received quite a few thoughtful, sensible appeals from regular TWN readers, commenters, and emailers to turn the comments function back on. I will do so — but only after I have time to write and draft a statement of what I believe constitutes fair and worthwhile commentary on this blog.

Get Peacekeeping Right



“Should the anticipated discussions fail to clear the path to the deployment of an effective force, the international community will be confronted with hard choices: do we move ahead with the deployment of a force that will not make a difference, that will not have the capability to defend itself, and that carries the risk…

More on Why Bush Won’t Bomb Iran



For the “bomb Iran now hawks”, the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran — just released — has probably ruined their holiday season. (here is the pdf) The report documents the high likelihood that Iran is no where near nuclear weapons capacity — and probably not pointed (at this time) in that direction.

Israel’s Apartheid Problem



A lot of folks slammed Jimmy Carter for using the word — but when Israel Prime Minister Ehud Ohlmert says the same thing, it just makes the problem in Israel more tangible and real.

Hanging with Haim Ramon and Ephraim Sneh



Israel Deputy Prime Minister Haim Ramon Tonight, I’ll be up at the big New York confab of the Israel Policy Forum titled “Two States: A Global Imperative” and hanging out with some interesting folks — including Israel Deputy Prime Minister Haim Ramon and former Deputy Defense Minister and Knesset Member Ephraim Sneh.

Media Alert: Sam Seder Show



This evening between 6:00 and 6:30 pm EST, Daniel Levy and I will be talking with Air America talk show host Sam Seder on the outcome of the Annapolis Summit and also about the state of the American economy.

<em>Taxi to the Dark Side</em> — Screening Wednesday, 5 December



The Washington Note is sponsoring a Washington, DC preview screening of Alex Gibney’s powerful new film, Taxi to the Dark Side. The film already has a Gotham Award Nomination as best documentary and won the Best Documentary Prize at the Chicago Film Festival, the Newport International Film Festival, and the Tribeca Film Festival.

Hagel and Mouthwash



Some of my readers are writing and saying, “Hey Steve, where are you?? Senator Hagel spoke at the Council on Foreign Relations and called this administration one of the most incompetent in American history! This is your stuff!” They have written, “Hagel had dinner again with Bloomberg! Is he gonna run?” As regular readers of…

’08 Or Bust: Now Live



Citizens for Global Solutions just launched an interactive web tool that TWN readers should find interesting. ’08 Or Bust is a guide to foreign policy in the 2008 presidential elections.