Scooter Libby Pardon in the Works?



I don’t buy the argument that Scooter Libby has dropped his efforts at an appeal because of the time, hassle, and money involved in continuing the appeal. Although since presidential candidate Fred Thompson was one of those hosting fundraisers for Scooter’s legal defense fund, perhaps the distractions of the presidential race have taken a toll….

Competing Over Religious Zealotry in White House



Tim Rutten of the Los Angeles Times offered a brilliant take on the Romney speech on religion which I have only now just read. His blunt read in “Press Preys on Wrong Question” of Huckabee’s flirtation with the anti-Enlightenment commitment to creationism is worth reviewing too.

Comments on this Blog



I am going to enable the comment function on this blog again. But I need to say that the quality of discussion and exchange on line when I started this blog was better for the first couple of years than it is now. I want to return to the quality of that exchange.