’08 Or Bust: Energy and Climate



So far, Hillary Clinton, John Edwards, Bill Richardson and Barack Obama have returned Global Solutions Candidate Questionnaires. Much of what they have to say is predictable, but there are a lot of important differences in rhetoric and even some key differences in substance. They’re worth a read through.

Success in Bali



As of this writing, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change talks in Bali have not yet produced a final agreement. That’s ok. The tectonic shift in international climate politics has already occurred. It was clear almost from the beginning of the event that the U.S.

When Even the Firefighters Become Spies. . .



Imagine a society where even the firemen were trained to spy on a nation’s citizens — reporting back to central “big brother headquarters” what suspicious things that they may have seen while in someone’s home ostensibly to save lives and squelch fires.

Frustrating Cicero



Delancey Place has a nice clip from Anthony Everitt’s Cicero: The Life and Time of Rome’s Greatest Politician. Cicero’s efforts 2000 years ago to balance monarchy, oligarchy and democracy became the defining feature of the American Constitution and republic.

Giuliani Slipping; HIllary Clinton Maintains 30 Point Lead



The Washington Post and ABC News have just released a new national poll on the relative positions of Democratic and Republican candidates: Republicans Giuliani — 25 pct Huckabee — 19 pct Romney — 17 pct Thompson — 14 pct McCain — 12 pct Paul — 3 pct Hunter — 2 pct Democrats Clinton — 53…

Senate Hearing on Cuba Shows Change



It speaks volumes about the moment United States Cuba policy is in that Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus holds a hearing and invites three strong, articulate voices for a new Cuba policy and only two of the old guard clinging to underwhelming rhetoric of Fidel the communist and constructing painful rhetorical stretches about Cuba’s…