Daniel Levy: What Next on Israel/Gaza? Why Should Americans Care?



This is a guest post by New America Foundation Middle East Task Force Co-Director Daniel Levy For many people, what has happened today between Gaza and Israel may have all too familiar a ring to it – Israel warns and then retaliates to an alleged or real Palestinian escalation of violence, there is Arab condemnation…

Hijacking Obama’s Middle East Strategy



One of the most important and sensible comments made during the last stretch of the campaign came from the straight-talking Joe Biden. The then Democratic vice-presidential nominee said that Barack Obama would be “tested” by crisis early in his presidency.

Obama Says “Hang Loose”



I love reading the “pool reports” of those hardworking journalists who forfeit their holidays to trail Barack Obama’s every public moment. The New York Times‘ Jackie Calmes weighs in with this cute story of Barack Obama doing the hang loose, “shaka” thing — with thumb and pinky pointed out.

Israel Strikes Gaza



From a CNN news alert: — Israeli aircraft launch air attacks across Gaza, causing many deaths and injuries, according to CNN journalist. Over 100 now reported killed in attack.




This is a special pic of Annie pup a few years ago. I want to wish all a very safe and happy holiday, a great Christmas and a high sizzle New Year. I am off to Los Angeles now – though I’m writing this from San Francisco.