MEDIA ALERT: Keith Olbermann on Clinton & North Korea Tonight



Tonight at about 8:15 pm EST and then again at 10:15 pm EST on Keith Olbermann’s Countdown, I will be discussing Bill Clinton’s successful trip to North Korea that not only secured pardons and expected release of imprisoned journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling — but may have brought other constructive currents to the US-North…

The China-Russia Strategic Partnership



Lehigh University International Relations Department Chair Rajan Menon recently published an informative report for the Century Foundation called “The China-Russia Relationship: What It Involves, Where It Is Headed, And How It Matters For The United States.” The report provides a useful framework for conceptualizing the relationships among China, Russia, and the United States.

Guest Post by Caroline Esser: Fighting the Taliban by Creating Jobs



Caroline Esser is a research intern at the New America Foundation/American Strategy Program. In Tuesday’s Washington Post, Joshua Partlow and Haq Nawaz Khan highlight the numerous flaws in House bill S.496: Afghanistan and Pakistan Reconstruction Opportunity Zones Act of 2009, which has passed the House and is being reviewed by the Senate.