Obama Foreign Policy: Lackluster or Courageous?



(Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy) GlobalPost‘s John Aloysius Farrell has a fascinating survey up of perspectives on Obama’s year in foreign policy. Read the entire piece, but I’ve put some of the zinger quotes below — including my own.

Sheila Bair Makes a Mortgage Boo Boo



I just received the seriously disturbing news that FDIC chair Sheila Bair, one of the few national economic leaders who worked hard to curb the excesses and corruption of Wall Street and stand by middle class interests, may have run into some conflict of interest problems.

Great Challenges Make Great Presidents? Obama Not There Yet



(photo credit: Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) I wrote this article today for Salon.com reviewing President Obama’s performance over the past year. I hope you’ll read the entire piece — but here’s the intro plus a bit more: Great Challenges Make Great Leaders Yes, Obama inherited a presidency in bad shape.

The View From My Window: Winter Ryoanji



I took this photo while flying from Dubai to San Francisco, and it reminded me of the rock gardens at Ryoanji in Kyoto. Hope some of you enjoy it. Always interested in the great pics you take from your own windows.