Beau Bows Out — Castle is Pragmatic & Sensible



It’s too bad we won’t see that race in Delaware. I have great respect for Beau Biden, the incumbent Attorney General of Delaware who is politically savvy and policy smart, but he has decided not to run for his father’s former US Senate seat.

Supporting An Arab-American PAC



I am often asked by readers where they might direct support if they want to help the forces working towards a two state solution in the Israel/Palestine standoff. One option is a new political action committee called “A New Policy PAC“.

GITMO: Obama’s Sincere Conviction & Insincere Action



Part of the path that America must take to regain leverage in global affairs is addressing the moral lapses that occurred during the last administration — ranging from domestic spying authority to the torture and abuses that took place at Abu Ghraib, Bagram and Guantanamo.

Chemical Ali: Executed but Rose From Dead Once Before



Iraq government authorities released word a few hours ago that General Ali Hassan al-Majeed, aka “Chemical Ali” and Saddam Hussein’s cousin, had been executed over the weekend. Ali had received four death sentences from Iraq’s courts.

Saturday at Sam’s



I am in Chestertown, Maryland this morning enjoying a bit of a break from DC — planning a retreat to discuss alternative US policy options in Afghanistan. Chestertown is an old colonial American town with great character and characters.

What A Difference 23 Years Doesn’t Make



Last week I attended an in-house foreign policy discussion with New America Foundation Schwartz Senior Fellow Peter Beinart, who provided a tour of 20th century American foreign policy and introduced me to Walter Lippmann’s concept of “solvency.