The View From My Window: Winter Ryoanji



I took this photo while flying from Dubai to San Francisco, and it reminded me of the rock gardens at Ryoanji in Kyoto. Hope some of you enjoy it. Always interested in the great pics you take from your own windows.

George W. Bush: Just Send Your Cash



I am glad President Bush is joining forces with President Clinton to marshal American resources to help earthquake-stricken Haiti. Clearly, he has a different crowd of followers than Bill Clinton who may be motivated by his “just send your cash” appeal complete with grin (?).

Google & China: Internet Freedom vs. Hard Core Business Bruising?



The threat by Google to pull out of China because of Chinese espionage efforts to hack into the gmail accounts of human rights activists has captured enormous attention. Of course, anyone who has paid any consistent attention to China and its massive growth would know that the Google revelations are really nothing new.

Gregory Craig will Strengthen Strong Roster on President’s Intel Advisory Board



Gregory Craig — deal maker on Ted Kennedy’s endorsement of Barack Obama’s presidential campaign, key architect of Obama’s “engage everyone — even the bad guys” position in the campaign, and the conscience of the the national security staff in Obama’s White House who said that the public really needed to know that American officials waterboarded…

American Diplomacy, Smart Power, US AID, and Haiti



Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Last night, I had a good chat with Rachel Maddow on the mechanics of smart power in the context of the Haiti disaster. A lot of our conversation focused on the role of the U.S.