Gamal Mubarak is Not Acting Like He is Out



(photo credit: Muhammad Ghafari, Flickr) This piece was just published at The Palestine Note: Steve Clemons calls on Gamal to make his intentions clear Political power works like the stock market; influence is a function of future expectations. Hosni Mubarak’s days and tenure are numbered.

Clemons & Katulis Discuss Egypt Turmoil with Rachel Maddow



Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Center for American Progress Senior Fellow Brian Katulis and I had a good discussion with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow last night. Katulis made the interesting point that America’s affinity for Mubarak may be just a hangover from the Cold War, at least in part….

O! Mark Salter!



Word is breaking that John McCain’s long time aide and many decades long alter ego, Mark Salter, is the author behind O: A Presidential Novel. Truth in advertising first. I haven’t read the novel, though I really like the graphics of the “O” and the “ears” as well as the brilliant blue of the cover….