WHITE HOUSE WORRIED: Reports are that “Full-Court Press” On to Keep All 10 Committee Republicans Behind Bolton



This was the lead piece in the latest CQ Today U.N. NOMINEE BOLTON GETS SCRUTINY FROM SENATE DEMOCRATS Senate Democrats are digging through John R. Bolton’s record to see whether there is enough controversy in his hard-line views on international security to derail his nomination as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Will the REAL John Bolton Please Identify Yourself?



While Senior Vice President at the American Enterprise Institute, John Bolton wrote this about the United Nations: Here is an excerpt that appeared today at ThinkProgress.com: This deep philosophical disjunction between the prevailing ethos of the United Nations and the fundamental American approach to governance is not something that will change in the foreseeable future….

John Bolton: A Loose Cannon on ABM Treaty; Angered White House and Powell



I have spoken to several current and former senior foreign policy officials yesterday and this morning regarding John Bolton. Their chorus is the same. They report that Colin Powell and Richard Armitage hated dealing with Bolton and that Powell did not want Bolton on his team. No one trusts him.

George Bush’s Former UN Amb. John Danforth: This is Not the Republican Party I Know



Former Republican Senator and immediate past United States Ambassador to the United Nations John Danforth on what Republicanism used to be about: During the 18 years I served in the Senate, Republicans often disagreed with each other. But there was much that held us together.

Text of Letter Opposing John Bolton’s Nomination as Ambassador to the United Nations from 59 Former U.S. Ambassadors to Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard Lugar



Here is the entire text of the letter opposing Bolton from 59 former American Ambassadors. Fox News has apparently been making fun of the diplomats’ names. Before they go to far down that path, perhaps they should consider some of the names of U.S. Senators — particularly Republican ones? Trent, Lamar, Saxby, Judd, Orrin. ….

John Bolton has Spectacular Record Defying and Withholding Evidence From Congress: Bolton has Never Brought a “Fair and Balanced” Approach to Any of His Jobs. . .



Remember Iran-Contra?? John Bolton has made a career out of defying Congress. During the Iran-Contra investigations, John Bolton refused to comply with Congessional demands for records. Bolton also believed that the Independent Counsel law was unconstitutional and did everything he could do preempt Congress’s efforts to investigate Iran-Contra.

Diplomats Declare Bolton Has “Exceptional Record” Undermining U.S. Interests



It’s all over the news, but let me add my own piece on the 59 former American diplomats who have written to Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard Lugar to say that the choice of John Bolton could not be more wrong for America’s perch in the U.N.

Irony: Going to See <em>Team America: World Police</em> and Winning a Baby Grand Piano



After the election, I explained the outcome of the Bush-Kerry presidential race in part in the language of a vulgar but brilliant movie that had then been released, Team America: World Police. The favorite line of the terrorist-tracking U.S.