Query of John Bolton: If TODAY You Were Running Haley Barbour’s National Policy Forum (Ruled as An Agent of the RNC), WOULD YOU TAKE FOREIGN GOVERNMENT MONEY AGAIN?



Haley Barbour established the non-profit National Policy Forum as a sham think tank — really designed to raise funds, organize and mobilize political donors and feed them programs and activities that pushed the agenda of the Republican National Committee. Michael Baroody quit the organization because he knew Barbour’s scheme was wrong.

Bolton Skeptics and Supporters Agree on One Thing: John Bolton on Video Clip is the REAL JOHN BOLTON



Watch the Video Clip — to the end. Wait for John Bolton’s own version of a “Dean Scream” about the United Nations. You’ll either love him or “really dislike” his views. After watching the video, lots do like him.

Rejecting Pugnacious Nationalists and Holding Prisoner Torturers and Their Pentagon Overseers Accountable Could Restore “American Brand”



Simply showing the rest of the world — particularly the Muslim world — that America holds accountable in this country those who commit heinous international crimes would do more to restore faith in this country than just about anything. The absence of accountability in the scandal of tortured and murdered prisoners is really beyond belief….

Bolton’s Wrath: Angry at ElBaradei for Questioning US Intel, Bolton Tried but Failed to Block ElBaradei’s Reappointment



I have been on the phone for days talking to people who have been wronged by John Bolton for this or that. Bolton has a lot of enemies that he has built up over the years for hack jobs he did on them while at the Justice Department or in his many other roles.

<em>Michelangelo Signorile Show</em>, 4:15 p.m., Sirius Satellite Radio



My friend, John Aravosis who publishes AmericaBlog, is guest-hosting the Michelangelo Signorile Show and has asked me to share what’s going on with the John Bolton/United Nations controversy, the recent bankruptcy legislation, and other fun stuff. If you are a subscriber, feel free to tune in.

Note to John Bolton: Will You Publicly Disassociate Yourself from ‘Move America Forward’?



I have learned from a friend of mine who is an excellent journalist who is generally sympathetic to and hangs with the neocon wing in the country that John Bolton himself reads my blog. Just to be fair in case any one knows who I’m talking about, this journalist strongly disagrees with me on Bolton….