Al Franken Tomorrow; Japan Wednesday



Just a quick TWN alert. I will be talking about North Korea and Northeast Asian security issues on Air America’s Al Franken Show tomorrow (Tuesday) at 1 p.m. On Wednesday morning, I’m flying to Chicago for a brief meeting and then to Tokyo — arriving Thursday afternoon in Japan and staying until the following Tuesday….

Laughing Out Loud: Hastert Knows When To Hire Them and When to Fire Them



This exchange between Rep. Ray Lahood and Bob Schieffer is just lovely (posted at Crooks and Liars): Lahood: Look at, I give Speaker Hastert high marks for strong leadership. He took care of Tom DeLay, his best friend. When Tom was having ethical problems, the speaker went to him and asked him to leave.

Ban Ki Moon’s North Korea Challenge



Stephen Handelman has an insightful article on Ban Ki Moon this morning in the Globe and Mail — and not because he quotes some of my blog commentary on Ban. Handelman writes: “I may look soft from the outside,” he has said. “But I have inner strength when it’s really necessary.

North Korea Watch: Fishing a Stream? Or Provoking a War?



The North Korea problem needs management. . .now. While this may sound like a modest incident, it’s very scary. Miscommunication, misunderstanding, escalation, and violence in an already tense situation given North Korea’s seeming determination to hold a nuclear test are possible triggers for a regional conflagration in Northeast Asia.