Japan’s Civil Society Challenges



I have been learning a lot of behind the scenes stuff on this Japan trip. I realize that many TWN readers are not into the soap opera that is Japanese politics, but I used to be a real addict and find myself easily sucked in to the complex intrigue here. A couple of quick things….

Mark Warner May Say NO to Presidential Run



This is a bit of a disappointment as Warner would have given any Senate-based challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination a real fight. In Tokyo, some folks are already asking what this means for Hillary and John McCain. More later.

Fareed Zakaria: “Iraq is Now a Civil War”



Fareed Zakaria captures clearly the consequences that have been wrought from America’s misguided adventure. Zakaria writes: Iraq is now in a civil war. Thirty thousand Iraqis have died there in the past three years, more than in many other conflicts widely recognized as civil wars.