Max Boot on the Baghdad walls: just “an update of the old plan known as ‘concentration’ zones or camps”



The US began building walls throughout Baghdad in early April, hoping to limit population flows and establish obstacles to vehicle-born bombs. The theory is as simple as “If we keep the bad guys out, then we win,” according to 1st Lt. Sean Henley.

Kucinich and Impeachment: Don Quijote Lives On



Some political leaders like Chuck Hagel have flirted with the idea, but only flirted. Others like John Conyers and Dennis Kucinich have been more serious. Dennis Kucinich has now filed articles of impeachment against Vice President Cheney, with a slight delay because of Cheney’s blood clot news, but nonetheless — Kucinich has taken action.

Crunching Obama’s Numbers: Inflating the Reality of America’s Global Assistance



Barack Obama has perhaps unintentionally overstated both his targets and the current realities of America’s global aid assistance in his recent foreign policy speech. He then calls for a doubling of a fictionalized amount of current American aid to an annual outlay of $50 billion/year.

Sidebar: Political Stuff to Just Know About



Carl Bernstein book on Hillary Rodham Clinton slated for massive release in June. Could influence the primary environment. Low key “Office of Special Counsel” launches highest profile investigation in its history. Promises to “leave no stone unturned” in investigation of U.S. attorney firings.

Bob Bennett Compares Embattled Wolfowitz to Duke Lacrosse Players



World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz has hired mega-lawyer and Bill Clinton’s legal counsel Bob Bennett to defend him against allegations of misconduct at the World Bank. Here is the zinger quote from the New York Times article by Steven Weisman on Bennett and Wolfowitz: “I am very worried about the rush to judgment,” Mr.

Bush Refuses to Budge on Gonzales: Exploiting the Coming Republican Civil War



President Bush doesn’t like to lose battles over his political nominees. The White House’s tenaciousness on this front was clear in a 21 month long battle and three major drives to get John Bolton confirmed as US Ambassador to the United Nations — a battle that President Bush and his team finally lost.

Cuba Dances with China



The two largest economic partners for Cuba today are Venezuela and China. Venezuela provides oil to Cuba in exchange for a finely tuned barter arrangement for tens of thousands of doctors deployed throughout Venezuelan cities and villages. China is pumping “tied aid” and financing into Cuba because it smells mercantilist opportunities there.