Sadness: Former NSA Director William Odom Dies



General William Odom, former Director of the National Security Agency, was an early critic of the Bush administration’s obsession with invading Iraq. He called the decision the worst strategic mistake in American military history in the last century and perhaps since the establishment of the Republic.

Scott McClellan Gives Voice to his “Inner Lawrence Wilkerson”



On October 19, 2005, Lawrence Wilkerson — Colin Powell’s aide, friend, and chief of staff respectively for 16 years — cleared his throat and conscience about what he saw as a Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal that was warping and distorting the nation’s national security decision making process.

Mahbubani Responds: Western Intellectual and Moral Cowardice on Israel/Palestine is “Stunning”



(Kishore Mahbubani speaks at New America Foundation reception on the “Rise of Asia and the Decline of the West. Pictured are Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Robert Kimmitt, Kishore Mahbubani, and New America Foundation/American Strategy Program Director Steve Clemons.

The Debate on East vs. West Continues: Anne-Marie Slaughter Challenges Mahbubani



This is the third installment in a debate that The Washington Note is hosting between Kishore Mahbubani and other of the world’s premier intellectuals on international affairs — including G. John Ikenberry, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Parag Khanna, Michael Lind, and others.

Scott McClellan Knifes the White House



This is my next read. It’s overdue — and I’m sad to see that McClellan basically waited all of this time to tell his story. He should have gotten word to Patrick Fitzgerald that Libby and Rove were coordinating their Valerie Plame stories. But the worst is even more confirmation that George W.

New Short “Sea Studios” Documentary: State Strategies on Climate Change



Just today, the Sea Studios Foundation has released a new short documentary on what states are doing on the climate change front. Innovation at the state level is impressive and outpacing by far what is happening at the federal level — but the feds and a new set of international protocols are needed. Watch.

May We Never Confuse Honest Dissent with Disloyal Subversion



(portrait of President Dwight Eisenhower by Mike Hagel; hanging in Senator Chuck Hagel’s private Senate office) Joe Lieberman may lament what he considers to be the shift of the Democratic Party, but he may also want to reflect on how neoconservatives have so dramatically changed and warped the Republican Party in foreign policy.

Grover Norquist Calls for a Humbler Foreign Policy that Rejects Bush/Cheney-style Empire



I have many liberal friends who are not into Grover Norquist — but my policy is to reach out to all parties across the political spectrum to try and balance against the incredibly destructive influence of pugnacious nationalists like John Bolton and neoconservatives like Richard Perle, Douglas Feith, and William Kristol.

LIVE at TWN: David Milliband in DC & George Soros in London



Free Videos by Ustream.TV My favorite foreign minister/blogger, David Miliband — who serves as Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom — will be having a conversation today at the New America Foundation with a unique group of Transatlantic Young Leaders who are part of the British Council’s new TN2020 project.